Welcome to FFTHomPy’s documentation!

FFTHomPy is a Python implementation of FFT-based homogenization based on following papers:

  • J. Zeman, T. W. J. de Geus, J. Vondřejc, R. H. J. Peerlings, and M. G. D. Geers: A finite element perspective on non-linear FFT-based micromechanical simulations. 111 (10), pp. 903-926, 2017. arXiv:1601.05970
  • N. Mishra, J. Vondřejc, J. Zeman: A comparative study on low-memory iterative solvers for FFT-based homogenization of periodic media, Journal of Computational Physics, 321, pp. 151-168, 2016. arXiv: 1508.02045
  • J. Vondřejc: Improved guaranteed computable bounds on homogenized properties of periodic media by Fourier-Galerkin Method with exact integration, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 107 (13), pp.~1106-1135, 2016. arXiv:1412.2033
  • J. Vondřejc, J. Zeman, I. Marek: Guaranteed upper-lower bounds on homogenized properties by FFT-based Galerkin method, Comuter methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 297, pp.~258-291, 2015. arXiv:1404.3614
  • J. Vondřejc, J. Zeman, I. Marek: An FFT-based Galerkin method for homogenization of periodic media, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 68, pp. 156-173, 2014. arXiv:1311.0089
  • J. Zeman, J. Vondřejc, J. Novák and I. Marek Accelerating a FFT-based solver for numerical homogenization of periodic media by conjugate gradients, Journal of Computational Physics, 229 (21), pp.~8065-8071, 2010. arXiv:1004.1122.

License: MIT


The software now contains tutorials in folder ‘/tutorial’, which also contains implementation of the method based on exact integration.